Pitching machines may be used if necessary. The screen is to be positioned no closer than 30ft from home plate for the baseball and 20 ft for softball competition.The pitcher must be positioned and pitching from behind an L-Screen for the baseball competition or square screen for the softball competition.Where possible, the same pitcher should be used for a minimum of five (5) batters in each round before rotating pitchers. Adult pitcher(s) to be designated by the League Host.Judges: At least three evaluators must be stationed near the outfield fence to judge if ball landed over or on chalk/cones.To create a shortened fence distance, draw a chalk line through the outfield 170’ feet for baseball and 130’ for softball from home plate or use cones.Field Dimensions: Baseball: Fence Distance 170’ / Softball: Fence Distance 130’.There is no minimum number of participants.Furthermore, any leagues that require a COVID-19 waiver for player or volunteer participation during the 2022 season will need to comply with the same process for this event. Any participant that is found to have not submitted their Participant Release or other required documents prior to participating in their Local Home Run Derby will be disqualified and their results will not be accepted. All Participants are required to submit the Participant Release signed by their legal guardian prior to participating.If the local league takes insurance coverage locally and not through the national Little League insurance coverage through AIG, the local host must have verified with their local insurance carrier and can confirm that insurance coverage will be in effect for the T-Mobile Little League Home Run Derby. The Local Little League Host must further certify that they are fully eligible to enroll their league in this competition as a member of the local league Board of Directors.All Home Run Derby Local Little League Hosts must agree to comply with the following before registering1) all of the T-Mobile Little League Home Run Derby Rules and Regulations 2) Terms & Conditions 3) Privacy Policy and 4) will collect and ensure submission of all required releases and event documents.The Softball competition is limited to female athletes league age 9 – 12 years old.
The Baseball competition is open to athletes league age 9 – 12 years old.Participants must currently be registered and meet all eligibility requirements within their chartered Little League for the 2022 season.Only chartered Little Leagues are eligible to host a local competition.
All rules within the Little League ® Rulebook are to be implemented and the Best Practices on Organizing, Playing, and Watching Little League During Coronavirus Pandemic should be used as a reference during the competition including, but not limited to those contained below: *All participating leagues should follow their state and local government’s guidelines surrounding youth sports participation, public gatherings, and mitigation recommendations prior to hosting a local event. Local Little League Competition Host Rules & Regulations